VIN and USA numbers deciphered


VIN: 0225-28446

  • “02″ lot designator appeared in 1967. Sequence number 18273 is the lowest 1967 VIN located (thus far). It was assigned registration number 4L-7291. Sequence number 23138 was built February 7, 1968, and assigned registration number 4M-2102. The highest sequence number located in lot 02 is 28762.
  • The next two numbers “25”, or chassis designator, signify that it is an M35A2 without winch

  • The final five digit sequence number begins at approximately 10000. It begins anew at that number each time the lot number changes.

2013-08-16_15-51-27_343 2013-08-16_15-46-17_138

Registration (sometimes referred to as Hood or USA) number: 4L3469